a scoop of home

A home for someone, cannot just be explained in a sentence or a paragraph. It is a feeling, an emotion, a sense of belongingness, a sense of safety, childhood, loved ones, memories, happiness and well, much more.

 A slice of emotion for me is represented in this drawing – HOME. An art project at uni that turned into an emotional wave of memories and reminiscence for me. Away from home and family, this was my attempt to explain ‘home’ to my classmates.

 A tree, blooming new concrete structures- buildings that are chaotic yet significantly changing the face of my town. Standing tall on the beautiful Himalayas and alp ranges unintentionally building up existence to take away the essence of my culture. The boxes overshadowing the curves and corners. The roots spreading wider inside the ground of holy temples and falcha, art, and architecture, gumbas and stupas, traditional houses and brick roads. This tree continuously drenched with waves of memories from my childhood and teenage years at home.

 My city, my town, my home.

This giant tree, seems to have a foundation as old as me.